Qurban Singapore
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Qurban 2024 Singapore
Korban SG Services
Korban of Sheep/Goat are performed in Africa or Indonesia and distributed to the less unfortunate. No meat will be flown to Singapore.
Note: You will be directed to payment page on Piroozi.com.sg
Standard Korban includes distributing of raw meat to less unfortunate. E-certs will be provided to customers upon completion of service without additional cost.
We may slaughter sheep/goat with the same weight (size) of 16-20kg interchangeably depending on stock availability.
Note:* Picture shown is for illustration purpose only. It does not represent the actual color or size of the sacrificial medium. Price can be adjusted without prior notice according to market situation.
Qurban Singapore 2024
Qurban.com.sg is a Singapore-based online platform that offers qurban services to customers during the Eid al-Adha period. Qurban is an Islamic ritual sacrifice that involves the slaughter of an animal, typically a sheep, goat, or cow, as an act of worship and to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son for Allah’s sake. The meat is then distributed among the needy, family members, and friends. Qurban.com.sg offers customers the convenience of ordering their qurban services online.
The benefits of Qurban:Apart from its spiritual and religious significance, Qurban has several other benefits as well. The meat of the sacrificed animal is a rich source of protein and other essential nutrients. It is a healthy and nutritious food that can be enjoyed by all. Moreover, by distributing the meat among the poor and needy, we can help alleviate hunger and poverty in our communities.Qurban is also a way of promoting unity and solidarity among Muslims. It is a time when people come together to perform a common act of worship and celebrate their faith. It is a time when people forget their differences and come together to share their joys and sorrows.
The qurban Singapore services offered by Qurban.com.sg are of high quality and follow strict Islamic guidelines. The animals are sourced from trusted suppliers and are slaughtered by experienced and qualified personnel. The meat is then cleaned, processed, and packaged in hygienic conditions. The platform also provides customers with the option to choose between different types of qurban based on their preference and budget.
One of the main advantages of using Qurban.com.sg is the convenience it offers. Customers can easily browse through the various options available and make their selection online, without the need to visit a physical store. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with clear images and descriptions of each product. The platform also provides customers with the option to schedule their purchases at time of their convenience.
In addition to the convenience, Qurban.com.sg also offers customers the assurance of quality and reliability. The platform is committed to ensuring that all qurban services adhere to Islamic guidelines and are of the highest standard. The animals are treated with care and respect throughout the entire process, from sourcing to slaughter, to ensure that the meat is of high quality and safe for consumption.
When selecting a sheep for qurban services, there are several criteria that are typically considered. These include:
- Age: The sheep should be at least one year old and not more than six years old.
- Health: The sheep should be in good health, with no signs of disease or physical defects.
- Weight: The weight of the sheep should be of reasonable weight.
- Breed: The breed of the sheep is also an important factor to consider, as certain breeds are known to produce meat that is of higher quality and taste.
Once the sheep has been selected based on these criteria, it is then transported to the qurban facility where it will be slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines. The meat is then cleaned, processed, and packaged before being distributed to those in need.
Another benefit of using Qurban.com.sg is the affordability of their services. The platform offers competitive pricing and different package options to suit different budgets. Customers can choose between individual packages or group packages, depending on their needs and the number of people they wish to execute the qurban for.
Customers who purchase qurban services from Qurban.com.sg can rest assured that they are contributing to a good cause. The meat is distributed to the needy and less fortunate members of society, providing them with a source of protein and nutrition. The platform works with various charities and organizations to ensure that the meat is distributed to those who need it the most.
In conclusion, Qurban.com.sg offers customers a convenient, reliable, and affordable way to purchase qurban services during the Eid al-Adha period. The platform’s commitment to quality and adherence to Islamic guidelines ensures that customers receive high-quality meat that is safe for consumption. The ability to order online and have the meat delivered to their doorstep, along with competitive pricing and different package options, makes Qurban.com.sg a great choice for those who wish to perform qurban without the hassle and inconvenience of visiting a physical store.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity of SG Qurban Singapore online services to fulfil your religious obligation and share blessings with the less fortunate.
Qurban.com.sg’s service offers a hassle-free way to perform the ritual while ensuring that the animals are ethically sourced, slaughtered, and distributed according to Sunnah. With our team of professionals handling every aspect of the service, you can have peace of mind and focus on the spiritual part of the ritual. Plus, you can enjoy the highest quality and freshest meat with no meat flown into Singapore.
Commit now to experience the true essence of the Singapore Qurban/Aqiqah ritual with Qurban.com.sg, your trusted partner in fulfilling Qurban Singapore online for your religious obligations. Contact us today to book your Korban service. We also provide services such as Aqiqah and Sadaqah.
Qurban Singapura 2024
Qurban.com.sg merupakan platform online berbasis di Singapura yang menawarkan upacara qurban kepada pelanggan selama periode Eid al-Adha. Qurban adalah pengorbanan haiwan ternakan yang dilakukan secara sunnah melibatkan penyembelihan haiwan, biasanya biri-biri, kambing, atau sapi, sebagai bentuk ibadah dan untuk memperingati kesediaan Nabi Ibrahim untuk mengorbankan anaknya karena Allah. Daging kemudian dibagikan kepada orang yang memerlukan, keluarga, dan teman. Qurban.com.sg menawarkan kemudahan kepada pelanggan untuk memesan upacara qurban online.
Kelebihan Qurban: Selain daripada kepentingan rohani dan keagamaan, Qurban mempunyai beberapa faedah lain juga. Daging haiwan yang dikorbankan adalah sumber protein yang kaya dan nutrien penting lain. Ia adalah makanan yang sihat dan berkhasiat yang boleh dinikmati oleh semua. Lebih-lebih lagi, dengan mengagihkan daging kepada orang miskin dan memerlukan, kita boleh membantu mengurangkan kelaparan dan kemiskinan dalam komuniti kita. Qurban juga merupakan satu cara untuk menggalakkan perpaduan dan perpaduan di kalangan umat Islam. Ia adalah masa di mana orang ramai berkumpul untuk melakukan ibadah biasa dan meraikan iman mereka. Ia adalah masa apabila orang melupakan perbezaan mereka dan berkumpul untuk berkongsi kegembiraan dan kesedihan mereka.
Layanan qurban Singapura yang ditawarkan oleh Qurban.com.sg berkualiti tinggi dan mengikuti kawalan agama Islam yang wajar. Haiwan diambil dari sumber yang dipercayai dan disembelih oleh personel berpengalaman dan berkualifikasi. Daging kemudian dibersihkan, diproses, dan dikemas dalam kondisi yang higienis. Platform ini juga memberikan pilihan kepada pelanggan untuk memilih jenis qurban yang berbeza, sesuai dengan preferensi dan anggaran mereka.
Salah satu keuntungan utama menggunakan Qurban.com.sg adalah kemudahan yang ditawarkan. Pelanggan dapat dengan mudah melihat opsi yang tersedia dan melakukan pemesanan online, tanpa harus mengunjungi pejabat qurban. Halaman web kami mudah digunakan dan mudah dinavigasi, dengan gambar dan deskripsi yang jelas untuk setiap produk. Platform kami juga memberikan opsi kepada pelanggan untuk menjadualkan pembelian sesuai dengan kelapangan masa mereka.
Selain kemudahan, Qurban.com.sg juga menawarkan jaminan kualitas. Platform kami berkomitmen untuk memastikan bahwa semua pakej qurban mengikuti pedoman Islam dan memiliki kualiti yang tinggi. Haiwan diperlakukan dengan baik dan dihormati sepanjang proses, mulai dari pengambilan sampai disembelih, untuk memastikan bahwa daging berkualitas tinggi dan aman untuk dikonsumsi beserta dengan kehendak agama.
Ketika memilih haiwan ternakan qurban, ada beberapa kriteria yang biasanya dipertimbangkan. Ini termasuk:
- Usia: Haiwan harus berusia setidaknya satu tahun dan tidak lebih dari enam tahun.
- Kesihatan: Haiwan harus sehat, tanpa tanda-tanda penyakit atau cacat fisik.
- Berat: Berat haiwan harus wajar.
- Baka: Baka haiwan juga merupakan faktor penting yang harus dipertimbangkan, karena beberapa ras dikenal menghasilkan daging yang berkualitas dan lezat.
Setelah haiwan dipilih berdasarkan kriteria ini, kemudian diangkut ke tempat qurban di mana akan disembelih sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Daging kemudian dibersihkan, diproses, dan dikemas sebelum dibagikan kepada mereka yang memerlukan.
Manfaat lain dari menggunakan Qurban.com.sg adalah layanan mesra kami. Platform kami menawarkan harga yang kompetitif dan opsi pakej yang berbeza untuk menyesuaikan dengan anggaran yang berbeza. Pelanggan dapat memilih antara pakej individu atau kumpulan, tergantung pada keperluan mereka dan jumlah qurban.